Thursday 15 October 2015

Twitter as a tool of promotion

For the last two weeks i have been using Twitter to promote my blog and its various posts. I really recommend using it as a promotional tool! Here is how my experience of Twitter went: 

Twitter is a very interesting platform as it is user-friendly and a popular social networking site. Therefore twitter was the ideal platform for me to promote my blog and its various posts. The use of tags in my twitter post is a concept that I found very interesting as it allowed me to target a particular audience specifically interested in my blog’s topic. The targeted audience could easily locate my different twitter posts by searching the tags which eventually led them to it. The tags that I used in my posts and that were the most relevant to my topic were #Greekmythology, #Gmythology, #Myths and #Legends. What I also found really interesting about Twitter is this concept of retweeting, this allowed me to share interesting posts I found on other twitter accounts and in doing so interpellate my audience to respond and participate to my posts. This also gave the opportunity to my audience to repost my tweets, leading to a boost in my number of followers and to the popularity of my blog. On Twitter there is a limit of 140 characters for each post, this may be considered as a disadvantage by many but I see it as a benefit. This word limit gives me the boundaries that I need to write the most vital and interesting information in my Tweeter posts instead of writing more than necessary. Nowadays people have short attention span, which is why they will be more interested by posts that are short and to the point. Therefore Twitter provides me with the benefit of satisfying my audience as with the 140 word limit I am forced to write short posts. Twitter also provided me with a platform where I could obtain a very large audience as it is a very popular social networking site and it also gave me the opportunity to share various materials with my followers. The platform does not only limit you to textual materials, it also allows you to share links of other websites, videos and photos. This provided me with the opportunity to create more interactive posts which is what catches the interest of the audience the most nowadays. On twitter there is the option of retweet and reply which is very interesting as it gives the audience the opportunity to participate and interact. I was able to have a two way communication with my audience which really helped improve the communication between me and my followers.

Greek mythology vs Roman mythology

I recently found an interesting article discussing the differences and similarities between Greek and Roman mythology. The author of this post provided very interesting and useful information on the topic. Here is a comment that i posted on the blog as a response to the post, i hope to get a response soon! 

"I find your approach to the Greek and Roman mythology really interesting as it takes into consideration both the differences and similarities between both mythologies, but you could have elaborated more on the similarities between both as it is also interesting to observe the various similarities they have. You mentioned that the Roman myths were adopted from the Greek ones. It is partly true but originally the Romans adopted many of the Etruscans’ gods, who lived in northern Italy before them, and then adapted them to Roman ideas and beliefs. Eventually these deities were combined with aspects of Gods from Greece. An example is Jupiter who began as the Etruscan sky god Tinia, who was then combined with Zeus the Greek sky god. You also mentioned that in Roman myths emphasis is not put on the physical appearance of the gods, that this is left to the imagination of the readers but aren’t we influenced in some way by the various paintings and statues of the deities that were created though time? The fact that you noticed the absence of mortal heroes in Roman mythology is also very interesting, I’ve never thought about this. Are you sure there aren’t any legends of mortal heroes in Roman mythology? I can’t seem to find one myself."

Link to the article:

Tuesday 29 September 2015

Mysterious underground tunnels and cities

Hello my loyal readers, this week after doing my weekly research on myths and legends I have found out a very fascinating article on underground cities and networks around the world that I really wanted to share with you all.

This article is very interesting as it talks about the existence of underground tunnels and even whole cities which are often found in various myths and legends. Some of these underground cities have been discovered while others still remains unknown to the world. It challenges this idea that myths and legends are just part of fiction and superstition and relates the tales to our physical world.

This article explores the myth and legends from over the world that refer to underground world and what archaeologists and researchers have found out about those mysterious worlds. According to ancient myths and legends those underground sites were often associated to the underworld, it could either be a place for the dead, one for evil creatures or a heavenly place. One of the example that is given in the article is the legend of Akakor found in South America, which was the legend used in the ‘Indiana Jones and the crystal skulls’ movie. What is interesting about this is the fact that a jungle guide called Tatunca Nara claimed to have seen this underground city and described it in details. In this legend it is said that the underground tunnels were built by Gods from the solar system known as ‘Shwerta’.

The article does not only describe the legends and their locations, it also points out that there are not only mythological accounts of these underground worlds but also accounts from people all over the world from recent history. The example of the discovery of Hitler and the Nazis is given in the article. In some documents it was recorded that the Nazis discovered an entrance to the interior of earth in Antartica. The various myths and legends surrounding underground cities or tunnels have been analysed and studied by many archaeologist and researchers to help them on their quest to find those mysterious cities that they think really exist. This shows that myths and legends are not only considered as tales but also as serious source of information for researchers to discover ancient sites and artifacts.

To find out more about those fascinating underground cities read throughout the article and you will also find more information on the link at the end of the article that leads to the second part.

Reference for photo:


Thursday 17 September 2015

What is interesting about myths and legends?

Myths and legends is a very interesting topic as it relates to what is unknown or supernatural and it is part of human nature to be interested in the unknown. As Peyton (1969) explains myths and legends are often associated with the supernatural. Various myths and legends were created through time such as the different gods and goddesses of the Greeks, the skulls of crystals of the Mayans, the pyramids of the Egyptians and also in our modern era the millions of urban legends. On my blog I will be writing about many myths and legends from different periods in time and also from different cultures.

People always associate myths and legends to the supernatural but what is fascinating is that it is also a complete record of the history of different cultures. In the past men created myths and legends to satisfy this need to explain everything that surrounded them and what they could not understand. It was a way for them to feel less lost in this universe where many things were scary and unknown to them and it was also a way for them to express their religious beliefs. “Important here is the fact that myths and legends represent man’s desire to explain his fundamental ideas about natural phenomena, supernatural occurences, the goodness and order of the universe,” (Peyton, 1969).

Have you ever thought about the academic facet of myths and legends? Myths and Legends are captivating tales that have been retold again and again through time and that fills people with wonder, but they are not seen as such by intellects. These stories date through several eras back but in our modern time there are various field of studies related to this topic. Those working in this field such as historians or archeologist do not see myths and legends as simple imaginary tales, they see the historical background behind it and analyse the different stories in depth. They strive to prove that there is a part of truth in every myths and legends. They use this partial truths as clues to find various artifacts to help them solve mysteries of the past. An example is the constant search for the lost city of Atlantis.

Perhaps one day with all the clues left behind by anicient cultures in myths and legends explanations to all that’s unkown to humanity such the existence of a higher power will be found. 

Sunday 13 September 2015

Why Myths and Legends?

Myths and Legends are fascinating. How I got interested in this topic? I love reading and I am also fascinated by archaeology which is what brought out my interest in myths and legends. Legends involve heroic characters or fantastic places while myths are stories based on tradition or legend, which has a deep symbolic meaning. I am interested in various legends and in the mythology of Greece, Rome, South America, Asia and Egypt.

Myths and legends are not only stories that entertains people imaginations, behind every story is the footprint and history a culture left behind for future generations. According to Shahan (n.d) throughout time various cultures used myths and legends to record their values and history; so that their culture would not be forgotten with time. It was a way for them to immortalize their existence. This is what I see when I read about myths or legends, I do not only see the stories as tales with imaginary characters, I see the symbols and meanings that gives an idea of the history and way of living of cultures from the past.
What first comes to people mind when thinking about myths and legends is that they are stories that are not based on reality, but every tale is at least based on reality and partial truths. If we think about ancient civilizations and how they were ahead of their time we could ask ourselves if there was really a higher power which was at work throughout history. For example, the Mayans and their temples, the crystal skulls, the Egyptians and the pyramids all those form part of myths and legends but they really existed at a point in time. How could such civilizations which did not live in the era of technology that we live in today build such formidable structures and objects. Did they have the help of Gods or another power beyond our imagination. What is for us nowadays only stories was in the past real beliefs for ancient cultures. Whatever the past culture we look at they all believed in gods and superstitions; and nowadays in our modern era people still hold different beliefs. Whether those beliefs and superstitions are real or not depends on the opinions and way of thinking of people. This is what I find very interesting about myths and legends as it borders on the verge of reality and imagination. What I want to transmit to people is this idea that those stories does contain a partial truth or a part of reality.  

Reference for photo:

Tuesday 8 September 2015

The Legend of Prometheus

Prometheus and Epimethius who were imprisoned in Tartarus for not fighting with the Titans were given the task to create man. Prometheus shaped man out of mud then Athena breathed life into his clay figure. Epimethius was then given the task to distribute gifts to all the creatures of earth such as swiftness, cunning, strength, fur and wings. Unfortunately by the time he got to man Epimethius had given all the good qualities out and there were none left for man. Which is when Prometheus, who loved man more than anything, gave them the gift of fire. As punishment for stealing fire from the gods, Zeus had Prometheus chained to a rock on the Caucasus Mountain where he was condemned to suffer while an eagle pecked at his liver. The eagle came each morning to peck at Prometheus's liver all day long then left in the evening and by night the liver would have repaired itself to renew the torment again the next day. Zeus decreed that Prometheus should suffer until two conditions were met. The first, that another immortal offered to die in his place and the second that someone killed the eagle. After a thousand years, a wounded centaur called Cheiron offered to take Prometheus's place. When he arrived at the rock, Zeus turned Cheiron into a constellation of stars, while the Greek hero Heracles killed the eagle, ending Prometheus's agony.

Interesting Book

Myths and Legends by Philip Wilkinson is a book that i personally recommend to all those who are interested in this topic. This book contains a large variety of myth and legends that originated from continents such as Europe, West and Central Asia, South and East Asia, Africa, America and Oceania. What is really captivating with this book is that it is filled with beautiful images alongside each story helping its readers to immerse themselves in the different stories. I got many interesting myths and legends from this book that i will share with you from time to time on my blog. 

Sunday 30 August 2015

Personal Bio

My name is Sophie, I am a young woman of 19 years old who dreams of one day working for a humanitarian organization as a Public Relations practitioner; to achieve this goal I am doing a BA in Mass Communication at Charles Telfair Institute. The name Sophie derives from the name Sophia which means wisdom which is a weird coincidence as my family and friends often tell me that I am a wise person. I would describe myself as being passionate, compassionate and very romantic. I am a strong willed person and very quick tempered. My favorite hobbies are reading, writing and music.  

Why i chose a picture of Athena as an avatar?

I chose a picture of the goddess Athena as my avatar firstly as it relates to the theme of my blog that is myth and legends; and also as I think that the depiction of her in Greek mythology closely resembles my own personality. Athena is the goddess of wisdom and war; she is described as wise, cunning and strong willed. Athena was a cold, wise matriarch with a vengeful side. I can relate to this description of the goddess as my friends and family often tell me that I am very wise and I am also a very strong willed person. I also have a vengeful side to my personality and I don't easily forgive. 
Reference for photo: