Thursday 15 October 2015

Twitter as a tool of promotion

For the last two weeks i have been using Twitter to promote my blog and its various posts. I really recommend using it as a promotional tool! Here is how my experience of Twitter went: 

Twitter is a very interesting platform as it is user-friendly and a popular social networking site. Therefore twitter was the ideal platform for me to promote my blog and its various posts. The use of tags in my twitter post is a concept that I found very interesting as it allowed me to target a particular audience specifically interested in my blog’s topic. The targeted audience could easily locate my different twitter posts by searching the tags which eventually led them to it. The tags that I used in my posts and that were the most relevant to my topic were #Greekmythology, #Gmythology, #Myths and #Legends. What I also found really interesting about Twitter is this concept of retweeting, this allowed me to share interesting posts I found on other twitter accounts and in doing so interpellate my audience to respond and participate to my posts. This also gave the opportunity to my audience to repost my tweets, leading to a boost in my number of followers and to the popularity of my blog. On Twitter there is a limit of 140 characters for each post, this may be considered as a disadvantage by many but I see it as a benefit. This word limit gives me the boundaries that I need to write the most vital and interesting information in my Tweeter posts instead of writing more than necessary. Nowadays people have short attention span, which is why they will be more interested by posts that are short and to the point. Therefore Twitter provides me with the benefit of satisfying my audience as with the 140 word limit I am forced to write short posts. Twitter also provided me with a platform where I could obtain a very large audience as it is a very popular social networking site and it also gave me the opportunity to share various materials with my followers. The platform does not only limit you to textual materials, it also allows you to share links of other websites, videos and photos. This provided me with the opportunity to create more interactive posts which is what catches the interest of the audience the most nowadays. On twitter there is the option of retweet and reply which is very interesting as it gives the audience the opportunity to participate and interact. I was able to have a two way communication with my audience which really helped improve the communication between me and my followers.

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