Thursday 15 October 2015

Greek mythology vs Roman mythology

I recently found an interesting article discussing the differences and similarities between Greek and Roman mythology. The author of this post provided very interesting and useful information on the topic. Here is a comment that i posted on the blog as a response to the post, i hope to get a response soon! 

"I find your approach to the Greek and Roman mythology really interesting as it takes into consideration both the differences and similarities between both mythologies, but you could have elaborated more on the similarities between both as it is also interesting to observe the various similarities they have. You mentioned that the Roman myths were adopted from the Greek ones. It is partly true but originally the Romans adopted many of the Etruscans’ gods, who lived in northern Italy before them, and then adapted them to Roman ideas and beliefs. Eventually these deities were combined with aspects of Gods from Greece. An example is Jupiter who began as the Etruscan sky god Tinia, who was then combined with Zeus the Greek sky god. You also mentioned that in Roman myths emphasis is not put on the physical appearance of the gods, that this is left to the imagination of the readers but aren’t we influenced in some way by the various paintings and statues of the deities that were created though time? The fact that you noticed the absence of mortal heroes in Roman mythology is also very interesting, I’ve never thought about this. Are you sure there aren’t any legends of mortal heroes in Roman mythology? I can’t seem to find one myself."

Link to the article:

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