Tuesday 29 September 2015

Mysterious underground tunnels and cities

Hello my loyal readers, this week after doing my weekly research on myths and legends I have found out a very fascinating article on underground cities and networks around the world that I really wanted to share with you all.

This article is very interesting as it talks about the existence of underground tunnels and even whole cities which are often found in various myths and legends. Some of these underground cities have been discovered while others still remains unknown to the world. It challenges this idea that myths and legends are just part of fiction and superstition and relates the tales to our physical world.

This article explores the myth and legends from over the world that refer to underground world and what archaeologists and researchers have found out about those mysterious worlds. According to ancient myths and legends those underground sites were often associated to the underworld, it could either be a place for the dead, one for evil creatures or a heavenly place. One of the example that is given in the article is the legend of Akakor found in South America, which was the legend used in the ‘Indiana Jones and the crystal skulls’ movie. What is interesting about this is the fact that a jungle guide called Tatunca Nara claimed to have seen this underground city and described it in details. In this legend it is said that the underground tunnels were built by Gods from the solar system known as ‘Shwerta’.

The article does not only describe the legends and their locations, it also points out that there are not only mythological accounts of these underground worlds but also accounts from people all over the world from recent history. The example of the discovery of Hitler and the Nazis is given in the article. In some documents it was recorded that the Nazis discovered an entrance to the interior of earth in Antartica. The various myths and legends surrounding underground cities or tunnels have been analysed and studied by many archaeologist and researchers to help them on their quest to find those mysterious cities that they think really exist. This shows that myths and legends are not only considered as tales but also as serious source of information for researchers to discover ancient sites and artifacts.

To find out more about those fascinating underground cities read throughout the article and you will also find more information on the link at the end of the article that leads to the second part.

Reference for photo:



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