Tuesday 8 September 2015

The Legend of Prometheus

Prometheus and Epimethius who were imprisoned in Tartarus for not fighting with the Titans were given the task to create man. Prometheus shaped man out of mud then Athena breathed life into his clay figure. Epimethius was then given the task to distribute gifts to all the creatures of earth such as swiftness, cunning, strength, fur and wings. Unfortunately by the time he got to man Epimethius had given all the good qualities out and there were none left for man. Which is when Prometheus, who loved man more than anything, gave them the gift of fire. As punishment for stealing fire from the gods, Zeus had Prometheus chained to a rock on the Caucasus Mountain where he was condemned to suffer while an eagle pecked at his liver. The eagle came each morning to peck at Prometheus's liver all day long then left in the evening and by night the liver would have repaired itself to renew the torment again the next day. Zeus decreed that Prometheus should suffer until two conditions were met. The first, that another immortal offered to die in his place and the second that someone killed the eagle. After a thousand years, a wounded centaur called Cheiron offered to take Prometheus's place. When he arrived at the rock, Zeus turned Cheiron into a constellation of stars, while the Greek hero Heracles killed the eagle, ending Prometheus's agony.

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