Thursday 17 September 2015

What is interesting about myths and legends?

Myths and legends is a very interesting topic as it relates to what is unknown or supernatural and it is part of human nature to be interested in the unknown. As Peyton (1969) explains myths and legends are often associated with the supernatural. Various myths and legends were created through time such as the different gods and goddesses of the Greeks, the skulls of crystals of the Mayans, the pyramids of the Egyptians and also in our modern era the millions of urban legends. On my blog I will be writing about many myths and legends from different periods in time and also from different cultures.

People always associate myths and legends to the supernatural but what is fascinating is that it is also a complete record of the history of different cultures. In the past men created myths and legends to satisfy this need to explain everything that surrounded them and what they could not understand. It was a way for them to feel less lost in this universe where many things were scary and unknown to them and it was also a way for them to express their religious beliefs. “Important here is the fact that myths and legends represent man’s desire to explain his fundamental ideas about natural phenomena, supernatural occurences, the goodness and order of the universe,” (Peyton, 1969).

Have you ever thought about the academic facet of myths and legends? Myths and Legends are captivating tales that have been retold again and again through time and that fills people with wonder, but they are not seen as such by intellects. These stories date through several eras back but in our modern time there are various field of studies related to this topic. Those working in this field such as historians or archeologist do not see myths and legends as simple imaginary tales, they see the historical background behind it and analyse the different stories in depth. They strive to prove that there is a part of truth in every myths and legends. They use this partial truths as clues to find various artifacts to help them solve mysteries of the past. An example is the constant search for the lost city of Atlantis.

Perhaps one day with all the clues left behind by anicient cultures in myths and legends explanations to all that’s unkown to humanity such the existence of a higher power will be found. 

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